Reflection from Ps. Bill
Reflection from Ps. Bill

Reflection from Ps. Bill

Dear Logos Family,


Tradition is one of the things I am appreciating more as I get older. 


Maybe it’s because the world is changing so fast that I sometimes feel like I’m being left behind and not able to keep up. (And if the truth be told I don’t always care!) 


Or maybe tradition reminds me of something important from my past that is worth preserving. 


Or, maybe traditions remind me of things I cherish deeply – like the meaning of Advent and its themes: HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE. 


On Sunday we will engage in the oldest and richest of Christian traditions – the celebration of our Savior’s birth.  


Churches celebrate Jesus’ birth in so many different and creative ways. This year Jenny and I are excited to participate in a new tradition for us – Angklung! 


We’ve already had a great time practicing for our performance on Sunday. I think what makes it so fun for us is that we get to perform with so many from the congregation! 


What are your favorite Christmas traditions? I hope you’re planning to make those a reality this Christmas and maybe even starting a new tradition!


At Christmas I enjoy lighting candles at the end of the service, singing Silent Night and reminding ourselves that “Jesus is the light of the world.” 


I pray that Jesus’ light and love fill you to overflowing this Christmas!


God Bless You,


Pastor Bill

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