Reflection from Ps. Bill
Reflection from Ps. Bill

Reflection from Ps. Bill

Dear Logos Family,

            “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Ephesians 5:21

This Sunday we are going to look at Paul’s classic passage on marriage – Ephesians 5:22-33. Please bring pencil and paper with you to worship! We are going to do a little exercise that will be beneficial for both singles and married couples.

Several years ago Jenny and I were trained to lead a marriage course called “Intimate Encounters” developed by “Great Commandment Ministries.” We were blessed by it and we saw many couple’s marriages enriched and healed. 

It’s funny that most couples have so little preparation before they get married even though it’s one of the most important decisions a person will ever make. 

Before Jenny and I got married we had a hard time finding a church that would marry us! We were new students in Southern California and neither of us belonged to a church. It didn’t seem to matter that I was studying to be a pastor and my wife was completing thirty units in Bible in order to graduate from a Christian college! We just weren’t church members! 

Finally, a relative’s aunt, who attended a congregational church in Whittier, vouched for us and the pastor consented to do the wedding. We had a few sessions of marriage counseling. The main thing I remember the pastor saying was, “If you forget everything else remember these two important words: LOVE and FORGIVENESS.”

Not bad advice. As simple as that counsel was, it’s true. Marriage requires a lot of love and forgiveness. 

Grace and peace,

Pastor Bill

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