Reflection from Ps. Bill
Reflection from Ps. Bill

Reflection from Ps. Bill

Dear Logos Family,


“But when he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” John 16:13 (NIV)


Last week I wrote that Jenny and my daughter Hannah floated down a short stretch of the Yakima River. This week Jenny and I wanted to try a section of the river closer to our home in Cle Elum – a piece known as the “upper Yakima.” 


The upper Yakima is narrower and more scenic than the section Jen and Hannah traveled on. But the places to disembark from the river are less obvious. Jen and I scouted out a place we thought would be a good spot to pull in and disembark the raft.


It turned out it wasn’t such a good spot! Our trip was beautiful, scenic and fun until we tried to get out. I flopped out of the raft and tried to pull it to shore but the current was too strong and the raft was too heavy. Jenny headed down the river by herself and I soon joined her as I was swept down myself!


All turned out well in the end! I wound up getting out of the river a quarter of a mile from our car. Jen was able to get out sooner. Fortunately, we were both ok and we still had our car keys and wallet! 


In retrospect we could have benefitted from a river guide – a person who knows the river, where to get in and out, areas to avoid etc. 


Jesus told the disciples that when he departed from this world he would send them a guide, the “Spirit of truth” who would guide them into all truth. The Spirit of truth enlightens us to God’s truth; we receive wisdom to live this life as sons and daughters of the Living God. Our Guide helps us navigate around snags and rocks that can put a hole in our raft. 


Do you regularly ask the Holy Spirit (the “Spirit of Truth”) for guidance in your life? Things might go a bit smoother!


Grace and peace, 


Pastor Bill

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